The WorQour Characteristics

The Worqour is a bridging currency that operates in the void between national currencies/economies and primarily functions as a transfer medium.

The ‘units of time’ (Worqours) cannot be used directly as a payment for goods or services within any national economy. Worqours must first be exchanged into a national fiat currency.

The ‘units of time’ (Worqour) is a cashless currency.

There are no Worqour bank accounts of the type normally associated with commercial fiat currency banking i.e.; savings, cheque or investment, nor are there any Worqour credit or debit cards.

There is no need for a nation to hold reserves of overseas funds.  Local currencies are exchanged for the ‘units of time’ (Worqour) bridging currency whenever the need arises.

The exchange rate for one (1) Worqour;

1 Worqour = 1 hours paid work at the national mHR*

*(minimum hourly rate of pay for a working individual paid in any national currency.)

The basic Worqour transfer process is performed by the Worqour Encryption and Processing Device (WEAPD) in conjunction with nationally located devices. Worqour certificates, explained elsewhere, also create options for alternative payment transfer methods.

The next thing of significance is how the ‘units of time’ (Worqour) payment system addresses and solves two historical dilemmas;

The objectives tabled at Bretton Woods in 1944,   and the Triffin Dilemma as first discussed in the 1960s.